Want to know a bit about us? Look no further!

About Us

Leena and I put together this page, after realizing all of the collective experience we wanted to share with you.
We have years of experience in solo travel and travel as a couple, as well as family travel with my two daughters (Leena’s step-daughters) and soon to be with our newest addition (Coming May 2024). We can even speak to packing the lot of four (plus 3 dogs) into an RV and exploring the US.

To lean MORE About Us (Directly FROM Us) – Please be sure to visit us on our Facebook Group or Community Discussion Pages, where we hope to interact with you on a more direct basis.

In the meantime, here is a bit about me and Leena.

About James

I’m James and I am here for the same reason you are. I am a Tourist – an Explorer – a Wanderer. And whether you’ve taken your first trip yet or not, you are at least one (probably all) of those things at heart. You wouldn’t be reading this if you weren’t. So, let’s see the World together, pick up some handy tips and have some fun. 
In my early days in Culinary School, I was fortunate enough to attend a discounted two week program in Northern Europe, driving from Paris to Rome, by way of Lyon, Parma, Modera and Tuscany and learning the importance and tradition of the local foods of each (and stupidly not taking many pictures).
A few years later, as an Executive Chef in South Florida, about to be the father of my second child and just kinda making ends meet, I made a very similar acknowledgement to the one you made to bring you here. I wanted to have many, many more of those types of Cultural experiences. More importantly, I wanted my children to have them. From that point on, I made it my mission to prioritize travel in a way that would force me to leverage it with whatever budget and/or schedule I was afforded.


OK, OK…Granted, it is not going to look the same for everyone, that is what all the other sites forget to mention. Travel is not “one size fits all”.
But, that’s kind of the point, right?
My father, bless him, will spend tens of thousands of dollars to go to Mexico and sit on a beach resort that might as well be in the US. That works for him, and there’s nothing wrong with it. Leena (my Player 2, and regular travel partner) and I (with or without my kids) can get a generational experience out of a 3 day car camping trip to Santa Fe that will cost us $300 total in gas and food as well as a $5000 trip overseas and everything in between. We have learned how to do exponentially more, with quite a bit less. And if we are going to spend those tens of thousands, it is going to be on something that is completely unique.

About Leena

Leena is the consummate World traveler. She has been to over 45 US states, over 40 countries in the World, and will not rest until she has visited them all (or even then, for that matter). She speaks fluent English and Vietnamese and has a passion for experiencing foods and cultures through the local people of any area.

“There is nothing quite like learning about a particular country or area through its people, traditions and food. There is so much history and so many stories in those three things. it would be impossible to manufacture in any other setting. I love talking to (and if I am lucky enough, staying with) families local to where I am visiting, because they can truly tell you (in their interactions with one another, the food that they share and the lives that they live) what life is like in their part of the world. My number one piece of advice for anyone looking to experience the World; experience its people. Learn some of the language, try foods that are unrecognizable to you (then try cooking them!). It will change you in ways you could not imagine!”