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Some items I bought after my vacation in Vietnam

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I traveled for nearly 2 weeks in Vietnam with my friends because we really like the countries in Southeast Asia. In these areas, there are many beautiful beaches, luxury resorts, and delicious food. While traveling in Vietnam, I bought some interesting souvenirs and I want to share the following:

  1. Silk:

As you know, silk is quite famous in China, but in Vietnam, silk is no less competitive! Silk is a thin, light material. It is derived from silk fibers. What is special, interesting, and extremely different from other fabrics is that. To create silk threads, you must raise silkworms on a large area, then take the silk and spin it into yarn, and finally weave it into fabric. I bought silk fabric as a gift for my family. Although the price of silk fabric is quite high, it is very valuable and luxurious, suitable as a gift. During the Hanoi city tour, I learned a lot of interesting knowledge about Vietnam and bought many unique items. You can buy silk fabric at Van Phuc Silk Village:  

  1. Accessories made from leather:

I am a person who is very passionate about leather accessories such as belts, leather boots, and leather wallets but have not found a place that suits me. Some areas have quite poor leather quality and are prone to peeling after long periods of use. I heard that in Hoi An there are many famous handmade leather shoe shops, so on my recent trip to Hoi An, I had a successful harvest of leather goods to bring back. After completing the Hoi An city tour, my friends and I walked around the old town and found a leather shoe shop that we really liked. Products at this store are diverse, ranging from 200,000 VND to 1,000,000 VND and I chose for myself a pair of extremely unique leather boots. I bought my sister a pair and she loves them. The store's name is Freestyle store, that's what I remember.

  1. Oil painting:

My parents are passionate about collecting all kinds of art paintings and they have heard a lot about art exhibitions in Vietnam, so I really want to give them a beautiful painting to hang in the house. I searched Google for places that sell oil paintings and found a few reputable places that sold them and chose to buy a natural landscape painting that I liked.


There are many souvenirs to shop in Vietnam such as clothes and second-hand items and you can refer to buying more at Shopping in Vietnam.


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