The Best Travel Community on The Web

The Would Be Wanderer Travel Community is designed to bring members together to build a bond over our common interest: travel. Please use these forums to share best practices and tips with one another, connect over commonalities and grow the community. This is meant to be a safe place for all levels of experience, so please treat your fellow members with respect and understanding.

Armed with fifteen regular contributors, we would never be able to provide you with every angle or perspective into travel practices. Therein lies the importance of allowing our members and visitors to have a voice to share.
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[Sticky] [PLEASE READ FIRST] Community Guidelines

1 Posts
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Admin Admin Registered
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 17
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I would love to say that the only rule is to show respect for one another, and assume we all understood what that meant, but this is a community and communities need guidelines. Here are ours (Please return regularly to review our rules and guidelines for periodic updates).

  • Catch-all "Don't Be a Jerk" Rule - This is meant to be a safe space for anyone to discuss a common passion for all. Refrain from inflammatory remarks, hate speech and bullying.
  • Check for Local Guidelines - There are other Topics that have guidelines that are unique to them, so please check the sticky threads in any topic you find yourself.
  • Post with Relevance - We want you to contribute, but try and stay on topic.
  • Report (Don't React) - If you find someone outside of the guidelines either (politely) give them guidance or report the occurrence using the "report" button. No need to "fire back"
  • No Self Promotion / Spam - You know it when you see it. DO not self promote. The EXCEPTION to this rule is that registered members can post their rewards card referrals ONLY in the Credit Card thread.
    This goes doubly for business, who may contribute to the community as an advocate for customer service ONLY.

Would Be Wanderer (as well as its moderators and administrators) does not check the accuracy of posted content and, as such, accepts no responsibility for loss, injury, inconvenience, or bad pasta sustained by any person using the free advice received from our members.

This topic was modified 2 years ago by James


Would Be Wanderer is not responsible for views and opinions posted in these forums and the views and opinions posted here do not represent Would Be Wanderer or its contributors. If you have any questions or concerns with the moderation of these forums, please reach out to me directly at and I will respond as soon as possible.