Sintra Portugal: My Experience Touring This Beautiful Haven By Tuk Tuk

Touring the lesser traveled city of Sintra Portugal by tuk tuk may be just about the best way to see this magical parts of one of the most beautiful countries in the world. We had the pleasure of hopping on one of these electric buggies, for an entire day (9am-6pm) of history, scenery, food, fun…and (surprising to nobody, a bit of wine). Here’s what we thought and why, if visiting Portugal, this should definitely be on your itinerary.

Travel Sintra Portugal by Tuk Tuk with Yes, You Deserve! Tours, run by local guide Daniel Ponce shown here (with photographer Joana Duarte) and his trust Tuk Tuk

Portugal is country that captivates the senses and stirs the soul. I (very confidently, actually) issue a challenge; just try to visit and not fall in love with it. From stunning landscapes to vibrant cultures and delicious cuisine, Portugal has it all. There is little wonder as to why it is quickly becoming one of the most traveled destinations of the world. When plotting out things to do in Portugal, if you are looking for a traveler’s paradise, minus the crowds and confusion of Lisbon, we have you covered. In that spirit – let’s talk about Sintra.

Why Sintra, Portugal?

When you think “Portugal”, you likely first think of Lisbon and Porto. As the country’s two biggest cities, they collectively account for a whopping 63% of Portugal’s total tourism. This does not go unnoticed, by any means. While both cities are amazing, and life-changing “must visits”, they will be crowded and they will be expensive. If you are like us, and appreciate more intimate and locally authentic travels, then Sintra should be on your list.

Located in the foothills of the Sintra Mountains, about 25km West of Lisbon, this town is the definition of charming. Sintra is known for its picturesque beauty, lush gardens, and stunning architecture. You are not likely to run out of things to see or do (or eat…or drink). Filled with the cobblestones and tile mosaics of Portugal’s larger cities, Sintra finds a niche as a small town. A small town with a very big personality.

Sintra is also home to several other historic buildings and museums, as well as numerous hiking trails. The latter offer breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. Nearly hidden palaces, gardens and a colorful history round out what makes this city beautiful.

Overall, Sintra is a magical and enchanting destination that offers visitors a glimpse into Portugal’s rich history and culture. The beauty of the country’s natural surroundings (while foregoing some of the crowds of Portugal’s bigger cities) is undeniably immersive.

Touring Sintra Portugal by Tuk Tuk

It would be impossible to discuss Sintra for any meaningful amount of time without mentioning the tuk tuk. The electric rickshaws, popularized in southeast Asia, and definitely prominent in the streets of Sintra, only add to its charm. Local tour guides use them to zip small parties of travelers all over Sintra in quick, but deliberate fashion, with easy access to (and fast escape from) most desired waypoints, smiling and waving to pedestrians all along the way.

The truth is, you could throw a stick and probably hit 15 or 16 really good tuk tuk guides. The job inherently relies heavily on word-of-mouth, and so they all strive to create great customer experiences.
“Great” however, is not quite the same thing as “exceptional”. If you are seeking a truly exceptional experience, one person is seemingly standing a bit taller than the rest (though he would never say so): Daniel Ponce, proprietor of Yes, You Deserve! Tours.

Daniel and His Electric Machine

Daniel is a bit of a celebrity. I found him through a Facebook group dedicated to Traveling to Portugal. Very early into joining the group, I started to see members’ posts go up. Almost daily, there was glowing over how much people loved their tour with this guy and his machine. How thorough and informative it was. Eventually, I noticed Daniel himself, happily and passionately answering people’s questions about Sintra, as well as Portugal in general. It was not just one Portugal Travel group, but many. All with their own daily glowing reviews and Daniel seeming to be everywhere at once, answering people’s inquiries. It was then that I decided, I needed to see what this was all about.

Leena and I got to spend the entire day with Daniel and his tuk tuk, as well as with local photographer Joana Duarte (all shown above). I was surprising Leena with the tour, and had been working with Daniel and Joana (who he had recommended to me) over the months prior to heading to Europe on planning. From the moment we met the pair, it was evident that we were in for something special.

We met Daniel and Joana at Casa Do Preto, in Sintra. Daniel thoughtfully suggested this meeting point. We had rented a car, and parking (which can get a bit challenging in the Lisbon region) is good at the café. We were greeted by warm hugs and warm energy, that can only be described as “familiar” – within minutes we felt as though we had known the pair a lifetime. After some warm welcomes and hot coffee (and, of course, pasteis de nata), we were on our way to our first stop – Fonte da Sabuga – to drink from its ever flowing font, with life saving gastrointestinal properties. A perfect start.

All About Sintra Portugal

Where Daniel really stands out, is not necessarily his knowledge of Sintra – but that he is so knowledgeable and so passionate about the region. In our 9 hours together, he wore the hats of tour guide, historian, foodie, sommelier, architecture expert…arborist. The list goes on and on.

We learned of the Moorish and renaissance influences that shaped the architectural style of the famous Pena Palace. He devotedly talked about the trees that rich foreign industrialists brought to Portugal to build out their gardens. We learned about the aptly named “apple beach”, and pastries only available in the small town, and wine that grows in sand. There ,seemingly, was no limit to Daniel’s knowledge of Sintra, which is only matched by his passion for the things he talks about. This is, without a doubt, a man who learns a bit about something and subsequently embarks on a mission to learn as much about the topic as possible. This characteristic only fortifies his work.

I mentioned that Daniel is a bit of a celebrity. His presence on Facebook is large, but it isn’t until you see him in Sintra that this is truly realized. Throughout our day, almost constantly, other tuk tuk guides were waving. They would call him by name and tell us that we “got the best guide”. These are folks who under normal circumstances (and certainly under US terms) would be considered “competition” – yet felt obligated to tell us how great our guide was. It was truly remarkable and gave me a fast understanding of all of the Facebook reviews that led me to him in the first place.

The Eye of The Artist

I would be remiss if I did not talk about Joana a bit. Our experience was only elevated as we had the opportunity to also see the town through her eyes. She looks at Sintra and its people, like she is seeing it all for the first time – full of curiosity, adoration and wonderment. Sometimes through her lens, often times not. She just loves everything about it. This is, quite possibly, the most distilled concept of what makes an artist. To see everything through an artist’s eye.

Noted before, the professional chemistry and energy of these two working together, is almost impressive enough to distract from the wonders of the tour itself. They compliment each other’s flow so precisely, you feel like you are in the company of siblings, or best friends from grade school. And they manage to seamlessly share that energy with their passengers in such a way that you start to feel like you attended grade school with them.

I cannot recommend booking with either (or better yet, both), should you ever visit Sintra Portugal. You will not be disappointed.

The below are pictures, as well as a video – all from our tour with Yes, You Deserve!

You can book a tour of Sintra, Portugal with Daniel and Joana at Yes, You Deserve! Tours and Joana’s work can be seen on Instagram @joanadartefotografou. And make sure you tell them both we said hello!

Note: we do not get any compensation from Yes, You Deserve, or its affiliates. This was a fully paid tour and independent (fully deserving) synopsis. I just felt obligated to spread the word about the two wonderful people.